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David Lie | 李云峰
Sandford Fleming 2001C
10 King’s College Road
Toronto, ON M5S 3G4
Phone: (416) 946-0251
Fax: (416) 978-1145
Admin: Ronalyn LumbreShania Dela Paz key)

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MEng Project Application

Select what year of your program you are in
Please upload your CV in Word or PDF format.
Please upload *all* your transcripts (including undegraduate and graduate) in PDF format.
Describe your technical interests and why you would like to apply for a position. Describe any relevant experience you have.
Describe your system building experience. What's the biggest project that you have done? How long did you work on it? How many lines of code did you write for it? Provide any additional details for the project to illustrate your systems building experience
Describe a key technical challenge you encountered (could be from a course project or job) and how you overcame it. What was it about this problem that stuck with you? Why do you think it was a significant challenge?
Anything else you would like to mention about yourself

Note: Your application is not complete until you confirm your submission on the next page. Please send me an email after you have completed your application.
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