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David Lie | 李云峰
Sandford Fleming 2001C
10 King’s College Road
Toronto, ON M5S 3G4
Phone: (416) 946-0251
Fax: (416) 978-1145
Admin: Ronalyn LumbreShania Dela Paz key)

Recent News

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Advancing AI Safety as Director of the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society

I’m super excited to be starting my term as Director of the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society. Many …

/ News

Two upcoming papers at ASE 2023 and RAID 2023!

I’m excited to share that we’ve had two papers accepted at upcoming conferences: Eric’s Paper on FLUX: Finding Bugs with …

/ Fuzzing, Memory Safety, News, Paper

Shawn gave a great talk at DSN 2023!

Shawn gave a fantastic talk at DSN 2023 last week in Portugal. We were lucky to have the session take …

/ News, Paper, Students

Wendy’s Paper on Classifying Privacy Policies using Calpric Accepted at Usenix Security!

One of the challenges to accurately classifying privacy policies is the shortage of training data. In the past, other studies …

/ News, Paper

Shawn’s paper on vWitness to appear at DSN 2023!

vWitness is a cool idea that uses comptuer vision to “witness” website interactions, allowing a trusted component to assess whether …

/ News, Paper, Research, Students

David Lie awarded the 2023 Safwat Zaky Research Leader Award!

I’ve been selected to receive the Safwat Zaky Research Leader Award at the University of Toronto, which is awarded for …

/ Media Coverage, News

Article and Video on SRI Roundtable: “Improving Cybersecurity through Regulation” posted!

I hosted an awesome round table discussion, hosted and run by the wonderful folks at the Schwartz Reisman Institute for …

/ Media Coverage, News

I’m hosting an upcoming SRI Roundtable on cybersecurity regulation

On Feb 17th, I’ll be hosting a @TorontoSRI roundtable with Marc Kneppers of @TELUS and Charles Finlay of @Cybersecure_CA /TMU …

/ Media Coverage, News

$1.5M grant awarded to our team from the DND-IDEaS program

Looking forward to working with Eyal de Lara (UofT), Oana Balmau (McGill), Julien Gascon-Samson (ÉTS Montréal) and Aastha Mehta (UBC) …

/ Funding, News

Appointment as Associate Director to the Data Sciences Institute at U of T

I’m very excited to join the Data Sciences Institute (DSI) at U of T as the Associate Director of Thematic …

/ News

Congratulations to Tony and Weiqi. Welcoming Yuqin and Kexin!

Congratulations to Tony Liao and Weiqi Wang on completing their MASc degrees! Weiqi worked on a PathDiff, a tool for …

/ News, Students

Congratulations to Wendy Qiu on being selected as a Schwartz Reisman Institute Graduate Fellow!

Wenjun (Wendy) Qiu has been selected as a 2022-2023 SRI Graduate Fellow for her interdicplinary work on privacy law, machine …

/ Media Coverage, News, Students

Ben’s paper on Modulo to appear at Usenix ATC 2022

Ben’s paper on a system called Modulo has been accepted at Usenix’s 2022 Annual Technical Conference! Modulo is a very …

/ News, Paper, Students

Michelle gave a great talk at AsiaCCS 2022!

Michelle Wong presented the final piece of her PhD thesis, a system called CaR, at AsiaCCS 2022. In case you …

/ News, Paper, Students

Article on Automating Accountability posted

We first started looking at automating the analysis of privacy policies in 2018. This led to several important legal insights, …

/ News, Paper

CAR: A better way of driving execution for Android App analysis

Context Approximation and Refinement, i.e. CAR, is Michelle Wong’s latest innovation for making the analysis of Android applications for malware …

/ News, Paper, Students

Faculty Searches in the CS Department at the University of Toronto

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto has several faculty searches going on this coming cycle. For …

/ Job posting, News

Shirley gave a great talk at A-Mobile 2021!

A fantastic talk by Shirley Yang at the A-Mobile 2021 workshop this year. In it, she describes exciting results showing …

/ News, Paper, Students

Faculty Opening in Information Security at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

The Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto has an interdisciplinary faculty opening in …

/ News

Join me in a Massey Dialog on “Cybersecurity, Society and You”

I will be participating as a Massey College Senior Fellow panel member on the Massey Dialog on “Cybersecurity, Society, and …

/ Media Coverage, News

Congratulations to Shirley on her work on predicting path satisfiability

We’ve been working on Android app analysis using symbolic execution for a number of years now. One thing we’ve noticed …

/ News, Paper

Akshay completes his MASc!

Congratulations to Akshay for completing his MASc requirements and best wishes as he moves on to a position at Bell …

/ News, Students

Privadroid talk now available

Weicheng’s talk given at Usenix Security 2021 is now available on Youtube. You can see it below …

/ News, Paper

Wei’s DIMVA 2021 paper on Aion attacks wins Best Paper!

Congratulations to Wei on winning the best paper award at DIMVA 2021! Slides and conference presentation video have also been …

/ News, Paper

Congratulations to Wei Huang on his paper on Aion attacks

Aion attacks are a brand new class of attacks that exploit the lack of a software timer in the SGX …

/ News, Paper

PrivaDroid paper accepted at Usenix Security 2021

PrivaDroid is the first of it’s kind global study of over 1700 smartphone users and their privacy attitudes and interactions …

/ News, Paper

ASPLOS Talks on In-Fat pointer posted

John just presented our work on In-Fat Pointer at ASPLOS 2021! The talks if you want to watch them are …

/ News, Paper

John’s ASPLOS paper on hardware support for memory safety posted

John’s ASPLOS paper has been posted on our website. You can read it here …

/ News, Paper

Great talk by Gavin at NDSS 2021

Gavin gave a great talk last week at NDSS 2021 on the paper “Emilia: Catching Iago in legacy code”! You …

/ News, Paper

Gavin’s paper on Emilia, a fuzzer for detecting Iago vulnerabilities to appear at NDSS 2021

Gavin and Viau’s paper, Emilia: Catching Iago in legacy code, describes a new way of detecting if your code is …

/ News, Paper

Hardware support for memory safety paper accepted to ASPLOS 2021

John’s paper describing our Internal-Fat Pointer (IFP) system for memory safety will appear at ASPLOS 2021. To ensure memory safety …

/ News, Paper

David granted Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Secure and Reliable Systems

I have been granted a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the most recent competition. I was a previous Tier …

/ Funding, News

Congratulations to John, Gavin, Wendy and Weicheng!

A big congratulations to Shengjie (John) Xu, Rongzhen (Gavin) Cui, Wenjun (Wendy) Qiu and Weicheng Cao for completing their MASc …

/ News, Students

Covid Alert, Privacy and Big Tech

As many residents of Canada probably have heard, the Canadian government launched a national Covid-19 exposure app, based on Google/Apple’s …

/ Media Coverage, News

New IEEE S&P Magazine Article and Paper on Covid-19 Smartphone Apps

Ever wonder about the proliferating support for security in hardware? It seems the computing industry has been hard at work …

/ News, Paper

Beom Heyn (Ben) Kim Completes PhD

Congratulations to Ben Kim on succesfully defending his PhD thesis. It’s been a great honor to have him in our …

/ Degree Completion, News, Students

Ivan gave a great talk at Oakland 2020!

Our talk and paper on EASIER (pdf) a method for fuzzing device drivers without any porting and without the real …

/ Android, Fuzzing, News, Paper

David Lie appointed to the Schwartz Reisman Research Leadership Team

I am honoured to have been appointed to the research leadership team of the newly created Schwartz Reisman Institute for …

/ Media Coverage, News

Ivan’s on paper on “Ex-vivo dynamic analysis framework for Android device drivers” accepted to Oakland 2020!

A congratulations to Ivan on getting his paper accepted to Oakland Security 2020! The Preprint should be up soon …

/ News, Paper

Congratulations to Shawn and Shirley! Welcome to Wenjun!

A big congratulations to Shawn and Shirley for succesfully defending their Master’s theses and proceeding to the PhD program. Great …

/ News, Students

Thanks to Google for awarding us a 2019 Security and Privacy Research Award!

Thanks to Google for the award. It will enable us to continue our work on Smartphone security and privacy. We …

/ Funding, News

Congratulations to Viau, Pushkar and Vasily. Welcome to Akshay and Adelin!

Congratulations to Viau Zhao, who recently joined Carleton University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Also congratulations to Pushkar Bettadpur and …

/ News, Students

I’ve been appointed Professor in the Faculty of Law

Following the founding of the IT3 Lab, my research has been turning more towards issues in privacy, technology and policy …

/ News

Congratulations on Shawn on his accepted APSys Paper

Congrats to He (Shawn) Shuang on getting his paper “Using Inputs and Context to Verify User Intentions in Internet Services” …

/ News, Paper

Great talk at the Oakland Security Conference James!

James gave a great talk on his paper Using Safety Properties to Generate Vulnerability Patches this past week at the …

/ News, Paper

Congratulations to James on an accepted Oakland 2019 paper!

James’s PhD work on “Using Safety Properties to Generate Vulnerability Patches” has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Symposium …

/ News, Paper

Skule Talk on IT3 Lab and Digital Privacy

Together with Lisa Austin from the Faculty of Law, I recently gave a Skule Talk to a group of our …

/ IT3, Media Coverage, News

Congratulations to Viau on two publications!

Viau Zhao, a PDF who just joined us from Concordia has two papers accepted at NDSS 2019 and FC 2019 …

/ News, Paper

Introducing the Information Technology, Transparency, and Transformation Lab (IT3)

Individuals are becoming more transparent to corporations and governments, while the technology facilitating this is becoming more opaque. We engage …

/ Media Coverage, News

Our group welcomes 3 new graduate students and a postdoc

Three new students, Weicheng Cao, Gavin Cui and John Xu are joining our group.  They will be working on Android …

/ News, Students

Wei’s work on Pearl-TEE to appear at SysTex 2018

Wei’s paper, Pearl-TEE: supporting untrusted applications in TrustZone will appear at SysTex 2018 in October at CCS.  Pearl-TEE is a TrustZone Operating system …

/ News, Paper

Our work on privacy policy analysis for mobile apps featured on the CBC

Our work on AppTrans is being featured in this CBC Article.  AppTrans was the result of collaborative project with Lisa Austin in …

/ Media Coverage, News

TIRO presentation slides and source code posted

Michelle just gave a great presentation on her recent work on TIRO at Usenix Security.  Slides and source code are …

/ News, Paper

I’m going to be a faculty mentor at the Career Luncheon at Usenix Security 2018

If you’re a student or recent grad attending Usenix Security 2018 this year, I’m going to be a faculty mentor …

/ News, Students

Michelle’s paper on deobfuscating Android malware accepted to Usenix Security 2018 — Paper now posted!

Michelle Wong has been working on a finding a way to defeat a new kind of Android malware obfuscation, which …

/ coverted, News, Paper

OPC project report on Android Application Transparency posted

The report for our collaborative project with Lisa Austin on privacy in Android applications, funded by the Office of the Privacy …

/ coverted, News, Paper

VMware makes $10K donation

VMware made a cash gift of $10,000 to my research group to further support research in security and virtualization.  Many …

/ announcem, coverted, Funding, News

Peter Sun and Zhen Huang have succesfully defended!

Congratulations to Peter and James (Zhen) for succesfully defending their MASc and PhD respectively.  Peter will be heading to Bloomberg …

/ coverted, News, Students

Ivan Pustogarov joins as a postdoctoral fellow from Cornell

Ivan brings a ton of experience in program analysis and vulnerability detection, including familiarity with symbolic execution and fuzzing.  He …

/ coverted, News, Students

$6M ONR Project funded

Our ONR Proposal, Tools and Techniques for Debloating Containers, with Co-PIs Somesh Jha, Tom Reps, Sibin Mohan, Rakesh Bobba and …

/ coverted, Funding, News

Prochlo paper to appear at SOSP 2017

A paper describing a project I worked on at Google will appear at SOSP 2017. It describes Prochlo a system that provides …

/ News, Paper

4 new Master's students join

We welcome 4 new Masters students to my group. Pushkar, Shawn, Vasily and Shirley are all joining as new Masters …

/ News, Students