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David Lie | 李云峰
Sandford Fleming 2001C
10 King’s College Road
Toronto, ON M5S 3G4
Phone: (416) 946-0251
Fax: (416) 978-1145
Admin: Simone RodrigueShania Dela Paz key)

Recent News

Congratulations to Viau, Pushkar and Vasily. Welcome to Akshay and Adelin!

Congratulations to Viau Zhao, who recently joined Carleton University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Also congratulations to Pushkar Bettadpur and Vasily Rudchenko for completing and succesfully defending their Master’s theses. We wish them all the best.

We also welcome Akshay Kawlay who joins our group as an incoming masters student and Adelin Travers who joins our group as an incoming PhD student!